SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Fitness and Weight Management


Walking is the safest, easiest, cheapest form of an exercise. Walking provides many health benefits as it helps to prevent weight gain, reduces the risk of blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes.

After walking daily, you may feel like you need to add something more to your routine. To get more out of your workout, you can enhance your walking routines. 


Here are some ways to intensify your walking to attain better health:

• Walk in shorter and faster strides. Longer strides strain your muscles and even your leg and feet.

• Count your steps by using a pedometer. Pedometer measures the number of steps you take in a day. It encourages and motivates you physically and mentally to walk more so that you get the best out of your work out.

• Swing your arms in opposition to your legs. The vigorous arm swinging allows a good workout for the upper body. 

• When you walk briskly and vigorously, you will burn more calories and you will build more strength. You can try to walk briskly four times a week. But if an hour is too much, you can break it into shorter intervals.

• To change your walking routine, find some hills and climb uphill. It will work on your muscles which gives you a cardio workout. If you do not find hills, nearby use a treadmill. Incline the treadmill from 0 to 2% for 5 to 10 minutes. Then gradually decrease the incline in the same amount of time. 

• Vary your terrain. Walk on the sand or grass to change the terrain. It helps you to utilize the muscles more and encourages you to use different strides now and then.

• Walk backward for five minutes. It puts a greater work out on the muscles and encourages you to work harder than the normal walking does.

• Try to walk as much as possible. Take the stairs instead of elevators and escalators. Park your car away from your work location and walk up to your office. Walk to the stores or shops or wherever you can.


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