SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Health


The sudden onset of the recent pandemic has changed everyone’s lifestyle in an unprecedented way. These   changes in lifestyle weren’t limited only to work.  With several lockdowns in place, it also affected in every dimension of life. (1) Studies show that, the change in the daily grind has led to an increase in anxiety and stress levels. There have been several cases of people struggling to cope with these changes with broken coping behaviour which includes, stress or emotional eating. It is not surprising then that there have been drastic changes to   our eating patterns and lifestyles. 

With several companies opting for a WFH model, this has resulted in a more laid-back lifestyle. The stress of commuting to work and the busy hustle, has changed and good night’s sleep is sometimes being replaced by binge watching Netflix into the wee hours of the morning. On the other hand, comfort foods and binge drinking were our escape to help minimize stress. 

However, healthy eating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is more important now than ever!  
In this era of social-distancing and staying indoors, it is of utmost importance that one needs to stay proactive and creative to remain physically active to maintain good health. 

This brings us to the question- how can we maintain a healthy lifestyle?
Small adjustments: If you are that person who made use of this time to get started on the diet plan that you’ve long forgotten about, that's great! But majority have struggled with   maintaining a healthy lifestyle. To make this easy, try small steps towards the tiny changes that make a difference to you.  For starters, work on identifying and scaling back on the unhealthy habits that you use to cope with stress. 
Adequate sleep: Adequate sleep is important to maintain health and immunity. Maintain regular sleep pattern and make sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep at night. For those working on shifts, make sure the same applies and go to sleep within an hour after your shift ends.

Maintain balance:  Do you crave sugary/ salty treats or binge eat because of stress? Don’t worry, you are not alone.  Avoid being so hard on yourself. Maintain a healthy balance of 80/20 which is choosing healthy foods 80% of the time and indulging 20% of the time. Keep healthy snacks around instead of unhealthy ones. Connect with a counsellor to better manage stress [share counselling link]

Keep moving: Gyms might be closed, but try to move as much as you can. This is the time to explore new workout routines like jumping rope, stair climbing, online yoga or Zumba.  You can try to consult a fitness trainer online who can help out with home-based exercises.
Include healthy diet: Eating healthy diet and practicing self-discipline is still vital to avoid the imperative effects on physical and mental health. Include a variety of foods consisting whole grains, pulses and legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits; lean cuts of non-vegetarian food. No dietary supplements or foods can prevent COVID, but a healthy diet and lifestyle can help build strong immunity for better disease fighting capabilities.

Healthy eating includes:
Eating fresh fruits and vegetables
Regulating salt and sugar intake.
Moderating fat intake – include healthier fats instead of saturated fats.
Avoid processed food.
Meal prepping- helps you eat healthy

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle supports good health and boosts immunity. Plan for healthy eating and regular exercise. We may be going through this pandemic, but let that not affect our overall lifestyle and fitness, we still need to strive to look after ourselves.
So, stay healthy, safe and happy!


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