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How does alcohol damage the functions of the body ? In many ways !  Firstly, let us look at the source and calories provided by alcohol. Alcohol is the by product of fermentation of natural sugars present in certain foods. 

1 standard drink is equal to 

360 ml beer = 150 ml wine = 45 ml whiskey or hard liquor

A gram of alcohol contains 7 calories and is almost as concentrated source of calories as fats and teh body digests this just like fats. About 15 grams of alcohol provide 100 calories.  While hard liquor does not contain any simple sugars , wine and beer contain between 10 to 30 grams of sugar in a liter.   Alcohol is very quickly absorbed and the highest amount is reached within 30 to 90 minutes.

Here are 5 ways in which alcohol can shorten your life ! 


1. Causes weight gain and makes weight loss difficult:  Alcohol  itself is a high calorie drink, but along with this , fried foods such as peanuts, pakoras , chips are usually consumed resulting in excessive calorie intake.  Obesity is a huge risk factor for developing chronic lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. 

2. Increases triglycerides – Even small amounts of alcohol can raise triglyceride levels in the body.  Triglycerides are circulating fats that raise the risk of cardiovascular disease.  The more the triglycerides, the more the level of LDL, the bad cholesterol.  Together, these can damage the arteries.

3. Increases risk of developing neuropathy – including tingling, numbness, pain which get worse over time.  The damage caused to the nerves by alcohol is usually permanent.   It is likely to get worse if the person continues to use alcohol Alcoholic neuropathy is usually not life-threatening, but it can severely affect quality of life, leading to falls resulting in fractures, urinary incontinence and retention, pain and injuries to extremities.

4. Increases blood pressure – Regular drinkers are at risk of increased blood pressure which is an independent risk factor for stroke, and cardiovascular disease.  High blood pressure that is not controlled can lead to kidney damage in the long run .

5. Damages liver – Alcohol is sent to the liver since liver contains enzymes that can break it down. Alcohol is broken down into other substances, which are finally converted to water and carbon di oxide which is breathed out from lungs.  But liver cells can only break down a small amount of alcohol at a time.  When it is overloaded, alcohol levels increase in blood instead of being broken down.   Too much alcohol can stress the liver cells, and they get damaged over time, leading to hepatitis, fatty liver and cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is a serious, and leads to end stage liver disease. About 1 in 10 heavy drinkers will eventually develop cirrhosis.

While drinking in moderation occasionally is safe, heavy drinking and alcohol dependence can be fatal. Cut down on alcohol, and seek professional help of counsellors as needed.

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