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Nutrition is a vital part of every individual’s lifestyle. Although, its knowledge is understood by many it is followed by only a few. Healthy eating forms the core of our existence; without food, we won’t be able to survive and function efficiently. Balanced nutrition is essential, yet overlooked so often or even dismissed. We would rather go to a doctor for treatment for a lifestyle-related ailment than visit a dietitian to get advice on how to prevent these diseases through healthy eating. Because, after all, we know it all! How ironic! 

Here we share some key reasons why your body needs to be nourished with whole foods. Let us step away from distractions like only fixating on weight loss as a reason to eat healthy. There is so much more! Let us start early so that we can stay healthy even as we grow older. 

Builds Immunity 

Having a healthy diet in place can be protective. You will be less prone to colds and other infections. Antioxidants in foods like vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E build immunity by strengthening the body’s defences to illness. They help in the production of white blood cells that fight disease-causing germs in the body. Sulphur-containing compounds found in alliums have excellent immunity boosting properties 


Strengthens Bones 

A diet that contains adequate amounts of calcium, vitamin D and phosphorous builds and strengthens bones. Including dairy and green leafy vegetables helps in bone health. Including strength training as part of the exercise regime also helps strengthen muscles and bones, making them less prone to fractures. 


Prevents Cancer 

Brassica vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussel sprouts (Choti gobi) help fight against cancer. They contain beneficial plant compounds called glucosinolates which are responsible for this effect. These render chemical carcinogens ineffective.  


Prevents Heart Disease 

Omega 3 fatty acids protect the heart and help increase HDL or good cholesterol. This is cardioprotective and prevents heart attacks and strokes. These healthy fats can be found in fatty fish, avocado, nuts, seeds and olive oil. These healthy fats also play a role in healthy brain function, they are said to prevent age-related cognitive decline. 


Avoid nutrient deficiencies 

Lack of proper nutrition in the long run can lead to nutrient deficiencies. These include anaemia (low iron and vitamin B12), osteoporosis (low calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D). A balanced diet is important to prevent such health problems. 


The cost of bad health 

Dealing with health issues and lifestyle-related diseases can be draining financially. The cost and mental stress of treatment, medicines, doctor’s visits, etc. are no doubt expensive. Rather, it would be wise to invest in a healthy diet along with exercise to prevent sickness along the way. The surprising and often neglected fact is that these diseases can be reversed and prevented. Adherence to modifiable lifestyle behaviours is a key intervention strategy. This includes quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity.  


Boosts energy 

Eating healthy foods also gives the body energy for day-to-day tasks. It is important to always opt for whole foods rather than processed or junk foods or anything that comes out of a packet. These junk foods actually leach healthy nutrients from the body for their digestion. Soft drinks lower bone density as they break down calcium from healthy bone.  

A well-balanced diet on the other hand can help to build up mineral and vitamin stores. Use fiber-rich foods so that the release of energy is slow and sustained through the day.  


Prevents age related diseases 

Healthy fats from fatty fish, avocado, nuts, seeds and olive oil are important to help prevent age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s. Building on calcium and vitamin D stores prevents bone thinning and fractures. A diet rich in fibre and antioxidants from fruits and vegetables protects against, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. 


Mood enhancer 

Healthy foods can actually make you feel happier! Walnuts contain healthy omega 3 fat along with neuroprotective compounds like vitamin E and polyphenols which are mood boosters. Dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% and above, contains flavanols which are known to be mood enhancers. They give a feeling of contentedness and calmness.  Did you know that eating bananas may also boost your mood? Bananas are rich in tryptophan which is converted into serotonin, known to be a mood enhancer. On the other hand, research has found that a diet of refined grains, sugar and red meat is associated with increased levels of depression. 


Better quality of life 

There are studies on how healthy foods also result in a better quality of life. They show that healthy eating patterns with less salt, saturated fat and refined sugars, makes people more satisfied and happier overall. This could be due to the positive health benefits that these foods bring to the body. 

In order to lead a more healthy and wholesome life you must make an effort to opt for simple, wholesome foods. Include more fruits and vegetables into your daily meal pattern and enjoy more home-cooked meals. These simple changes have some serious life-changing and mood-enhancing benefits! 


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