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The healthy approach to Menopause

Menopause is no easy time in a woman’s life; this phase is accompanied by weight gain, painful joints, tiredness and muscle loss. A woman’s body changes naturally in response to physiologic changes (hormonal shifts) ushering her out of the fertile phase of life. This could also be the time she faces the ‘empty nest’ syndrome after the children have left home.  Time constraints also could be a challenge when it comes to regular physical activity and healthy eating. 

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Top 10 Weight Loss Tips for Working Women

Approaching weight loss can come with its own set of challenges and misconceptions. A large number of diets provide instant solutions promising quick weight loss. Diet pills, slimming shakes, sauna belts, herbal teas –the list is endless. But what is the best way to approach healthy weight loss, especially as a working woman?

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A super woman?s guide to eating right

Women have an inborn talent to multitask.  Starting from taking care of groceries, kids, chores at house and balancing their career at par with everything else without breaking a sweat makes her a superwoman!  While being busy taking care of everything else, they often forget the need to take care of themselves. This can lead to fatigue and overlooked health issues.

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Women's Struggle With Stress

Women face a more unique set of challenges when it comes to facing burnout at work. Look at how this happens and some ways in which this can be managed better. 

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Change your Lifestyle to Fight PCOS

Statistics show that PCOS affects 25-30% of women of child bearing age. Doctors have concluded that dietary and lifestyle changes are the key to long-term management of PCOS.

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Wedding Bells or Warning Bells?

People feel anxious when it comes to getting married. Tying the knot, envisioning a new stage of life with another person can make both men and women feel tense and get ?cold feet' prior to the wedding. How do you handle this?

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Why Women Need Exercise

Working women can hardly find the time or inclination to do what is necessary to stay fit. Weight issues are not uncommon with having to work at odd hours and nature of work being desk job these days. Not only does regular exercise aid in weight loss, it reduces your risk for several chronic diseases and conditions. Finding activities that you enjoy and which become part of your daily routine is the key to a long and healthy life. 

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Smart ways to work from home

Employees in office jobs that rely heavily upon technology can often perform their duties from home. For many of us with our hectic life styles "work from home" seems such an ideal solution. It evokes images of freedom and leisure. However there are challenges associated with working from home and this article discusses them.

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Does the Perfect Woman Exist?

Women have been plagued by the perfectionism bug for a while now. We want to be the perfect daughter, perfect wife, perfect mother, daughter-in-law, friend, employee..... Are we being realistic?

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High Heels and the Verdict

High Heels form a very important part of most women's wardrobe but wearing high heels too long and too often could be putting your health at risk.According to studies not only can High heels cause stress fractures, tendonitis and all types of bone spurs but they can also damage other parts of the body leading to arthritis, long term pain and joint pain.

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Total 2 Pages, Total 19 records