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My Experience of a Traumatic Event

We all go through different traumas in life. Some are easier to deal with while others leave us drained out. There is a way to move on. This article could help you see the effective ways of coping with an emotional trauma.

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Should I Keep it In or Let it Out?

Whenever we are overwhelmed by an emotion we lose all reason, we are sensitive and vulnerable, almost as if we were lost in a dark cloud. This is because when we are overwhelmed by hatred, anger, anxiety, or even positive emotions such as love and extreme excitement; there is a tendency to express the emotions without stopping to think of the consequences. Later, when these volatile emotions have died down we may regret our actions or decisions made.

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What is Stress?

Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences. This article discusses different causes of stress, how stress affects you, the difference between 'good' or 'positive' stress and 'bad' or 'negative' stress, and some common facts about how stress affects people today.

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My Experience of Online Counselling

I was going through a difficult time (tension, misunderstandings) in my relationship with my spouse. I really felt the need to talk to someone who could help me out, that's when I thought about online counselling. Since it was anonymous, I decided to give it a try. I started typing my problem. Once I started writing, I could not stop myself and poured my heart out, giving all personal details, which I would have not normally shared with a known person.

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Surviving a break-up

When a close relationship breaks up it can be devastating. This is true even if you are the one who initiated the break up, but all the more if you wanted the relationship to continue. You may be quite unprepared for the impact it has on you. This article discusses ways to cope with the distress.

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7 Ways to Build Meaningful Relationships

Relationships take time and effort and an investment of one's emotions to cultivate. However, real relationships add meaning to one's life. Find out how one can build and strengthen their relationships.


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Grieving the Loss of a Job

In India our work often represents who and what we are. In addition to monetary returns a job provides a sense of purpose and self-esteem. Thus when a job ends, part of us seems to end with it. If you or someone you know has lost your job, it is important to remember . . . you have lost a description of what you do, not who and what you are.


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Alcohol and Drug Abuse : What a Manager Can Do?

Excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs not only harms the individual concerned, but also affects his work. Performance goes down and often absenteeism and late-coming increases. There are chances of inappropriate behaviour that could affect the rest of the team, and various disciplinary issues may arise. With all these negative effects, a company cannot afford to ignore the problem.

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Workplace Relationships

Good relationships at work can make all the difference to our experience at the workplace. When we maintain congenial relationships with co-workers it helps us get our work done more smoothly, we enjoy our work more and it even motivates us to keep going despite obstacles and challenges. On the contrary, when working relationships are unpleasant, not only is it more difficult to get things done, but it also creates a negative atmosphere which affects our mood and productivity and even motivation to work.


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Total 3 Pages, Total 29 records