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Kinkeeping: The Invisible Burden

Today, many women in India are stepping out to work, driven by ambition or financial necessity. However, despite this change, household duties remain largely unchanged. Women are still seen as the primary caregivers, expected to manage the home and family even if they hold full-time jobs.  

This burden, often invisible and unacknowledged, is known as "kinkeeping." Carolyn Rosenthal, a professor emeritus of sociology at McMaster University in Canada, coined this term in 1985. It describes the unpaid labour that women do to maintain family connections and traditions. This includes remembering birthdays, planning gifts, organizing family events, keeping track of rituals and customs, and managing household supplies, etc. In Indian culture, these responsibilities are often considered a woman's duty, regardless of her marital status or whether she has children. 

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Overcoming Social Stigma Attached To COVID-19

COVID-19 brought with it many challenges and changes, and consequently, our interactions and reactions to those impacted by the disease. Read on to understand how you can overcome the stigma associated with being infected by COVID-19. 

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Surviving a break-up

When a close relationship breaks up it can be devastating. This is true even if you are the one who initiated the break up, but all the more if you wanted the relationship to continue. You may be quite unprepared for the impact it has on you. This article discusses ways to cope with the distress.

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Your Relationships and You

Conflict is a natural part of different kinds of relationships. Our own unique life experiences cause us to deal with them in a certain way. While doing this is understandable, it is also helpful to learn about certain strategies that can help us handle these conflicts better, overall.

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Rebuilding Trust in Relationships After Infidelity

Are you questioning the future of your relationship after being cheated on by your partner? Are you unsure whether what your partner is doing constitutes infidelity? Read on to find out more!

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Jealousy: Why It Happens and How to Manage It

Jealousy is a common emotion. However, when it continues for a long time or if it gets out of hand, it can destroy us and our relationships. Learn how to deal with it in healthy ways.

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Is your Smartphone ruining your Relationship?

Does your screen time take away quality time with your loved ones? Do they complain that you do not pay attention to them any longer? What does your family feel when they hear your smartphone notifications ringing in all the time? Has your smartphone put your significant relationships on the back foot?

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More Than A Colleague

Nowadays men and women are working side by side, thus providing much more opportunity for extra-marital affairs to occur. Even people who have a good marriage and value monogamy may find themselves in an affair if they do not uphold strong boundaries with work colleagues.

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Being \

Most of us spend a large part of our life at work and therefore being yourself at the workplace is pivotal to maximize your work potential, health and happiness. But what if you feel like you have to hide a very critical part of what defines you? Your gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, caste or a disability to get social acceptance. Read on to find out the struggle and dilemma one could go through in such a situation and thereby, the impact on the workplace..

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Am I in Love?

Have you ever been crazy about someone, felt weak in the knees, been head over heels in love? Your heart stops, you feel tingly and you cannot wait for the next message about when you will next meet. You spend hours remembering every conversation you've had. It is an exciting and warm feeling and you wonder... is this what love feels like? Could this be true love?

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Total 4 Pages, Total 31 records