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Is Social Media Affecting Your Productivity At Work?

Social media has no doubt made communication very convenient. However, we also need to be aware of the negative impact it may be having in our lives. One of the biggest drawbacks of social media is the impact it has on people's productivity in the workplace. It is important for us to take an honest look at ourselves and evaluate how much our personal use of social media is affecting our work life.

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Happiness works best!

A lot of us work hard in the pursuit of happiness. We think that being successful and doing really well in our job can make us happy. However positive psychology suggests that the opposite might be true. If you are happy you are more likely to do a better job and be successful and productive.

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Financial Crisis: Overcoming fear and stress

News of the crashing stock-market, recession, layoffs, salary cuts, and the uncertain financial situation is certainly a cause of great stress to most people. In the current economic situation the fear of unemployment is also very real. Experts recommend a number of steps that could be helpful, and warn against others that are actually counter-productive. Here is a look at some of these.

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Performance appraisal

Performance appraisals are never the best time of the year. Often we only get a glimpse into one side of the story - either the manager's or the employee's side. This article gives you a glimpse into the side that you do not know about.

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Giving Feedback

Giving negative feedback is dreaded in the personal and professional contexts. Lack of sensitivity and skills in giving constructive feedback can result in feelings of dissatisfaction, unhappiness, resentment, and/or discouragement, none of which serve the purpose for which feedback is intended.


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Staying Alert when Working at Night

We humans are designed to be alert and active during the day and sleep at night. However with the demand for work during the non-traditional hours going up, more and more people are required to be alert and work during the nights and sleep during the day. This can lead to lethargy and drowsiness at work which can affect productivity as well.

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