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Pros and Cons of Online Counselling Support

The web facilitates online counseling support and online support groups to provide a sigh of relief to those who are constrained by time and hassles of commuting. These forums are largely appreciated by those who love the convenience of it. However, there has been much debate surrounding the potential benefits and costs of online interaction. 

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5 reasons to use Online Counselling

Is it difficult for you to carve out time in your schedule to attend a counseling session? Now there need not be any more delay in sharing your difficulties with your counsellor, because online counseling is available at your doorstep. Enjoy easy, confidential counselling anytime. This article briefly describes the benefits of using Online Counselling.

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Staying Single

I like being single, I'm always there when I need me -Art Leo. Today more and more people are staying single either by choice or circumstance. Some people have responsibilities that prevent them from marrying, in other cases marriage or a relationship just hasn't worked out. Others want to wait a while before settling down or have just decided that marriage is not for them.

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My Experience of Online Counselling

I was going through a difficult time (tension, misunderstandings) in my relationship with my spouse. I really felt the need to talk to someone who could help me out, that's when I thought about online counselling. Since it was anonymous, I decided to give it a try. I started typing my problem. Once I started writing, I could not stop myself and poured my heart out, giving all personal details, which I would have not normally shared with a known person.

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Are you lonely?

In the most common sense, loneliness is described as a state that occurs when one is isolated or alone. But does one feel lonely when they are in solitude, or is there more to it? Read on to find out.

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When You Feel Like Ending Your Life

"Suicide is not chosen; it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain." You may have experienced intense emotions and thoughts that have lead to you also thiniking about harming yourself or ending your life. This can be an overwhelming experience. Do take some time to understand more about it.

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