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Is Jealousy Tearing Your Relationship Apart?

All of us at some point in our lives have experienced jealousy, whether we are the jealous ones or someone is jealous of us. Even as children, jealousy is an emotion that is commonly experienced. We may have felt jealous of our siblings getting more attention or our neighbour getting a better toy. As adults, we try to rationalize our jealousy, however, it can grow to the point that it becomes destructive.

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Divorce and its Impact on Children

Divorce and separation have become a common occurence today. But the psychological toll that it takes on children grappling with the aftermath continues to be immense and distressing. Research indicates that children do well when they have regular routines, a stable family and parents who are a cohesive team. None of which are likely when the family breaks up.

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Perfectionism is often mistakenly seen as desirable or even necessary for success. However, recent studies have shown that perfectionist attitudes actually interfere with success. Often when we try too hard to succeed, we lay a lot of pressure on ourselves. This pressure in turn affects the way we function, and reduces our chances of success.

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Grieving the Loss of a Job

In India our work often represents who and what we are. In addition to monetary returns a job provides a sense of purpose and self-esteem. Thus when a job ends, part of us seems to end with it. If you or someone you know has lost your job, it is important to remember . . . you have lost a description of what you do, not who and what you are.


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Previously, the norm was that you had a job for life. Today we are in the transitory phase with global transformations and economic fluctuations requiring speedy adjustments. Most businesses today must continually make changes to remain competitive. Downsizings are almost routine and being laid off does not have to reduce your employability -- unless you let it.

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