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Positive Discipline for your Preschooler

Ages 3 to 5 are wonderful years in your child's life. However, as your child's need for independence grows, you may experience more battles at home. Did you know that punishing, shouting and lecturing are ineffective ways to guide your child? Try a new approach called Positive Discipline. Not only will it result in your child being motivated to behave well, you as a parent will gain peace of mind too.

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Does My Child Have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)?

Many parents describe their child as 'hyperactive'. Some even feel the level of hyperactivity is not normal and worry that their child may have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Educate yourself about ADHD and learn how it is actually diagnosed in children. Dispell myths about ADHD, for example, did you know that it cannot be diagnosed before the age of 4? Read on to find out whether your child's hyperactivity and lack of attention is simply part of his/her development, or whether it's a red flag.

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