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The Power of Hope

Simply because life is tough. We are faced by various kinds of challenges and sometimes just setting goals or being positive is not enough. Hope is not only a feel- good emotion, it serves numerous purposes to help each person in dealing effectively with situations they are faced with. This article aims to introduce to you how the concept of hope is a very powerful tool and skill for every person to adopt.

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Turning your dreams into your child?s reality?

Research indicates that some parents think of their children as extensions of themselves. Parents are sometimes unaware that the hopes they have for their children may be coming from their own unfulfilled dreams. The article aims to differenciate between healthy yearning for positive growth and behaviors which parents engage in that put undue pressure on children.

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Raising a Hopeful Child

Across cultures, religions, communities and ages, one thing that all parents have in common is that they want their child to be happy. Individuals need to learn how to form goals for themselves, as these provide their plans with a sense of direction and an end to work towards. It also gives them a certain direction in which to channel their energies and focus. This article addresses the factors which can help you to make your child a person who is hopeful and knows how to form and achieve the goals they aspire for.

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I Need To Know Why To Move On

Moving on from anything in life, whether negative or positive, means a change. Sometimes we want to forget a chapter in our lives, but somehow we are stuck. Find a fresh perspective on moving on.

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Conceiving After A Miscarriage

If you have been through a miscarriage, you might be feeling pulled in two directions. Part of you might be yearning to try and conceive again while another part of you might be feeling very worried as to what will happen if you try. What if I conceive again? Will there be another miscarriage? What are the odds of that? You may have a lot of questions running through your mind. Be assured that this is normal and there are things you can do to help yourself in this process.
This article will discuss the decision of conceiving again and specific things to consider when making that decision.

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When You Feel Like Ending Your Life

"Suicide is not chosen; it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain." You may have experienced intense emotions and thoughts that have lead to you also thiniking about harming yourself or ending your life. This can be an overwhelming experience. Do take some time to understand more about it.

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