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Learn Something New

Did you think that ‘learning' was something you left behind you once you left college? On the contrary, learning is something that you can do all your life, and yes, it is something that you might do even if you don't HAVE to! This does not mean poring over text books (although that may be involved) but any kind of activity where you gain a skill or knowledge, whether physical or mental, work-related or personal.

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Are you lonely?

In the most common sense, loneliness is described as a state that occurs when one is isolated or alone. But does one feel lonely when they are in solitude, or is there more to it? Read on to find out.

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Start the New Year Well

We're at the start of a brand new year - another perfect opportunity to reduce the clutter, simplify, better manage your time, and reach your goals. Here are 7 simple ways to start the New Year on the right foot.

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Setting Boundaries in Relationships

Boundaries are set so we can take care of ourselves and communicate in an open, honest, and direct fashion. It is important to be able to set limits in order to assert our point of view.

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7 Ways to Build Meaningful Relationships

Relationships take time and effort and an investment of one's emotions to cultivate. However, real relationships add meaning to one's life. Find out how one can build and strengthen their relationships.


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Work Life Balance

Balancing work and other aspects of our life is an essential ingredient for a content and happy existence. Without balance, focus is on one area of life at the cost of another. 

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Living and Working Away from Home

Taking up a new job in a new city you are setting yourself up for a lot of changes - living on your own, managing your finances, exploring opportunities, being adventurous, establishing a routine for yourself. While quite exciting and a great learning experience the cumulative effect of having to adjust to all these new things all at the same time, can be quite overwhelming as well.

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Creating Healthy Boundaries at the Workplace

Work is not just about projects, numbers and negotiations; it is also about relationships with your co-workers. Maintaining healthy boundaries with your co-workers plays a big part in a successful professional life and a healthy organization. It is a fine balancing act to be friendly and approachable and at the same time not to overstep boundaries. When colleagues become friends it is a completely different ball game, one that needs to be played with sensitivity and finesse.

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Making Friends

Making friends while in college or school, might have felt easier. It is great when we have those intimate friends we can share with. However, when we are older and move away from known supportive groups for various reasons, it can be much harder to develop close friendships. Let's look at some of the ways we can help ourselves make friend.

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When Your Child Leaves Home for College

As a parent you want your child to do well and you are proud when they get a seat in a college they desire. Yet, most parents would agree that a part of them secretly wants their child to never leave home. You want to protect your child from hurt, failure and the various bumps on the road to adulthood.

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Total 2 Pages, Total 20 records