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Handling Differences

If you belong to different religions, castes, communities or races, how will your child be brought up? What are the beliefs and rituals that will be followed?

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Parenting for Inter-Cultural Couples

In today's connected world, inter-cultural marriages are common. Many families have a cross-cultural or inter-faith marriage and while this is a phenomenon to be welcomed, it does bring with it a host of new challenges for young parents. This union can be very enriching for the children as their world view widens with their exposure to varied food, culture and language. The flip side is that it could lead to cultural clashes about how the child should be raised.

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Age Gap in Relationships

Are you or someone close to you, struggling to get into or move ahead in a relationship where there is a wide difference in age between the partners? Learn more about the aspects of age gap, pros and cons to it and how to take it further. This could be beneficial to begin the journey as well.

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Gender Differences in Emotion

Women across the world complain about their partners saying, "He never talks about his feelings" or worse, "He is so insensitive - he turns around and goes to sleep even if I am crying!" There are exceptions to every rule, it is generally said that women are more emotional and communicative while men are practical and solution focused. Let us read further and understand why.

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Stages in a relationship

Often when we fall in love we feel beautiful and believe it is forever but slowly we encounter challenges and frustrations and wonder what went wrong. The truth is that no relationship is constant - its all a process of movement and growth.

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