Lifestyle Management

How Do I Stop Being a People Pleaser ?

To answer this question, we must first ask ourselves another one: "How do I know if I’m a people pleaser?"  

The act of people-pleasing is often disguised as selflessness, kindness, and helpfulness. However, it inevitably generates a deep sense of unfulfillment and resentment in the people-pleaser. People pleasing can feel a lot like the inability to say "no", feeling like you have way too much on your plate and aren’t coping, or a need to always be available for your loved ones, sometimes (or often) at our own expense. If you resonate with these experiences, you may be struggling with people-pleasing tendencies.  

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From Procrastination to Progress

As the time passes, our evolving human mind constantly works on multiple aspects of thoughts and emotions. Every emotion multiplies and our thoughts wander off. We must have heard of the phrase- Let your imaginations run wild. As free as it may make us feel, there is another side to all our excessive thoughts & imaginations, which is also called as procrastination.

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An Alcohol-Free Happy Hour Guide

In many countries, drinking at social events is practically a national pastime, and it's alright to enjoy a few beverages with friends. But unfortunately, peer pressure and societal expectations can lead to harmful levels of alcohol consumption, especially in younger people. Let’s learn how quitting alcohol can benefit emotionally, socially, physically and improve our overall quality of life.

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Getting Back On Your Feet Post-COVID Recovery

COVID-19 takes a toll on your body in many different ways. While recovery is challenging in itself, the impact of COVID-19 diagnosis on your mind can be devastating. Read on to know how you can cope with post-COVID emotional concerns. 

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Dealing With Virtual Fatigue

The shift to the digital landscape for our every need emerged as a smart way out in the face of the restrictions of the pandemic. However, it brought along a few challenges too. One among them is virtual fatigue. In this article, we deal with the causes of virtual fatigue and explore ways to combat it.

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6 Ways to Improve your Sleep and in turn, your Emotional Wellbeing

Sleep is one of the most important factors that contribute to our health. It?s necessary for our brain to process information and consolidate memories. Poor sleep leads to fatigue, poor concentration, memory loss and a weaker immune system.

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Lifestyle Choices- how to stay Motivated and what Helps

Making lifestyle choices can feel like a struggle, and it can seem even more tough to stay motivated and follow through on our choices.

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5 Reasons Why It Is Hard to Be A Millennial and What You Can Do About It

In the present day and age, there exists a large amount of pressure on the millennial population to prove themselves, despite several cultural and financial constraints. It is understandable that this takes a toll on young people. This article outlines some of the ways in which millennials feel pressurized today and suggests some ways in which they can deal with this. 

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Digital Life Balance

It is normal to spend time on your phone. It is afterall, a space to access so much information and entertainment, keep in touch with our loved ones' and many more uses. Is it possible to optimise our phone use to make sure we are in control of the phone and not the other way around? 

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12 Tips to Better Sleep

Do you lie awake in your bed for hours after you lie down? Do you keep tossing and turning in bed waiting for sleep to come to you? Have you ever felt envious of people who don't have difficulty in falling asleep? Research studies conducted on sleep state that there are numerous factors which contribute to problems in falling asleep. If you have difficulties with sleep then you may be aware of how tough it is to focus on work or even manage your emotions through your hectic day, in all the roles you play in the different spheres of your life.

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