Scrap It - Before They Scrap It!

Children scrapbook craft memories family quality time bonding artwork creativity toddlers pre-school

Help your child/children know their family tree, the source of their existence, why they are the way they are, etc. This article can be helpful to learn how to put those little hands and minds to work so that they have fun as well as stay connected to their roots. 




i am married. but i have two more girlfriends and i had sex with them....last 2 years...but now i want to leave can i leave them....


Very True!


Thanks for writing this article. Brighter part is -- coming infront of the crowd and addressing it with your views. If you are willing to accept Suggestions, continue to read from here -- please avoid exaggerating the scenarios. "However, it is true that women still get paid less and few make it to the top of companies, and those that do get to the top level, have to face a lot more opposition than most men." --this line shows the exaggeration. Whoever portrays the visibility of their work and focused approach in career will surely get promoted and get paid accordingly. Thanks. Let's live in equality rather than Woman's world or Man's world.