Role of a Birth Partner

preparing for labour labour room friend family husband

Today, many hospitals allow a person along with the mum to be into the labour room for this important role of providing continuous and uninterrupted support and assistance that doctors may not be able to give when a woman is in labour. Do talk to your doctor beforehand to be sure whether your hospital will allow you to have the company of a loved one in the labour room. Read our article to know more about how your birth partner can help you in making your experience of being in labour the best memory!




Great article, the myth buster style is catchy and concise. I think it also communicates a message of empowerment through seeking counselling. This is a much needed narrative to reduce the stigma around counselling/therapy. Also it introduces the possibility of the session not fulfilling which can be many people's first experience, but to have the conversation with the therapist and understand the process is vital. Thanks