Procrastinating? 5 Ways to Help you Power Through

Procrastination organized time management arrange work life balance

Procrastination is something that all of us deal with sometime in our life, though there are some who are so disciplined that procrastination may not exist in their dictionary! This can be extremely annoying to those of us who are not made in the same mold. Is it only about discipline? Let's try and deconstruct this stubborn and often intimidating issue.




This article comes with a lot of good emotional coping techniques. Some of them might sound simple enough but they are very essential in dealing with others in the workplace. Having to take a step back and processing your emotions so that you can accurately evaluate a situation proves highly successful when one opts for such coping. The idea of a \'worry box\' is also unique and gives us something physical to turn to in times of distress and take charge of the situation.


The content of this article is easy to read and engaging. It gives strategies that would be helpful if used regularly by the reader. I would have liked to see more specific pointers on how to manage emotions at work, in order to make practicing them easier.
The words used in the last sentence sounded a bit strong to me. I feel it may help to replace the sentence with something like ?managing emotional responses can help promote a safe and healthy working environment?. This will help ensure that no one feels labelled or blamed in case they\'ve responded in unhealthy ways in the past.


Practicing it. Thanks to the writer!!


useful one


We are employed as a package,

sivananda Reddy

A good one..


Lot of useful techniques. Thanks for this article