
Cooking in 1 tsp oil

Three  simple fast cooks that need only one teaspoon of oil.  

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7 superfoods for great health!

The 7 superfoods that are nature's security blanket against a host of chronic diseases and boost overall health are must haves in your shopping list!

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How to identify hidden sugars in foods?

Some foods do not mention ‘sugars' in their ingredient list but still have sugar present in them. They are labelled in a different way. There is no differentiation between natural sugars and hidden sugars on the label ! If the first few ingredients are a form of sugars, then the food is likely to be high in total sugars.

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Ideas for Small Frequent Meals

In India, for many of us eating 3 square meals a day is a given. While it may have worked with our earlier lifestyles, some experts believe that in our current rushed and stressed out lifestyles it may be a better idea to eat smaller, more frequent meals. 

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Diet and Weight Loss Tips

A healthy and balanced diet is important to maintain good health. A balanced diet means consuming foods from all the food groups. It is important to have a varied diet as no single food contains all the nutrients which are necessary for the body. 


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Mindful Eating

Mindful eating takes the concept of mindfulness and applies it to why, when, where, what, and how you eat. This means being aware of both the physical and emotional feelings connected to eating.

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Eating the Rainbow of Health

The colors of the fruits and vegetables have important health benefits. Studies conducted by various scientists have identified these benefits.

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Blood Sugar Levels & Weight Loss

Blood sugar is the glucose in our blood and it acts as a fuel and helps in functioning of the body. When we eat the carbohydrates are converted to glucose (blood sugar). This glucose is needed by the cells for the energy. 

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Triglycerides are fats in the food what we eat which are carried in our blood. The excess calories, alcohol or sugar in the body are converted into triglycerides which are stored in the fat cells throughout the body. 

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How Salt Affects Your Weight & Body

Consuming salt in excess can cause the body to retain more water than normal. The weight gain from sodium is only from water and it should reduce when the salt intake is decreased.

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Total 14 Pages, Total 134 records