
Choosing a life partner

Whether you plan to have an "arranged marriage" or to marry the person of your own choice, it is important to think whether both of you are compatible. Choosing a partner is definitely more difficult and serious than choosing a car or a shirt. Hence, how to make sure of your choice of partner?

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Building Intimacy

Intimacy is an essential part of any successful relationship. Whether it be emotional, physical or spiritual, it is something that can add an immense amount of value to the relationship. Here is a brief article on what intimacy is and how to build it.

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Safety Precautions in a Relationship

If you are in a relationship where you do not know the other person very well or if there are some indications of abusive patterns in an ongoing relationship, you need to exercise caution.

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How To End A Relationship

When you are very sure that you do not want to continue a relationship, it is only fair to clearly convey this to your partner. This is certainly a difficult task - there is no easy way to do it. But there are some guidelines that can help you go about it the right way, so that both of you can eventually recover and move on.

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Long Distance Relationships

In this day and age when we move away from our home town in search of better prospects, it is not unnatural to find ourselves in the middle of what we call a Long Distance Relationship. These relationships can be difficult and this article helps you with ways to handle the difficulties.

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10 Questions to Ask Before You Tie the Knot

Most engaged couples spend countless hours and months planning to make their wedding day absolutely perfect. Unfortunately, more often than not, very little preparation goes into what they will do from that day forward for the rest of their lives together, which is the part that really counts for a successful marriage.

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Reasons for Marriage

Entering into a marriage bond for the wrong reasons or reasons that are quite different from that of your partner could lead to disappointment and frustration, even gradual drifting apart.

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How Do I Tell My Parents?

After a long courtship you have made the decision. You know that he/she is the one, the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. But how do you tell your parents this? Telling your parents that you have decided the person you want to spend the rest of your life with is probably the biggest hurdle that is standing between you and your ?happily ever after'.

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What is your love language?

Speaking in your partner's love language probably won't be natural for you. But nonetheless if you try to understand and speak your mate's love language, in no time you will be able to effectively love and truly feel loved in return. Skillful communication is the key!!

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Gender Differences in Emotion

Women across the world complain about their partners saying, "He never talks about his feelings" or worse, "He is so insensitive - he turns around and goes to sleep even if I am crying!" There are exceptions to every rule, it is generally said that women are more emotional and communicative while men are practical and solution focused. Let us read further and understand why.

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